4D Paint | Material View | Menu
Add a new Layer to every material on the object then switch to that layer so that you can start painting on it.
Create a new layer on every material called Wireframe. It will then draw all the UVs that are assigned to each material onto their individual layers.
Create a new layer on every material called Filled. It will then fill all the UVs that are assigned to each material onto their individual layers using the color specifed in the BodyPaint Colors tab.
If you have an object selected that has a VertexMap named BakeAO, which gets generated via the Bake AO menu option, then this button will create a new layer on the currently selected channel and rasterize the VertexMap onto that layer.
This command will completely fill all the currently active layers with the specified color.
Similar to the above Create Flood Fill Layer but this command will not add a new layer and instead just fill the current layer. It will respect the UVs and only fill the texture where UVs are specified on each UDIM.
Fills each of the UV Islands, on every material, with a random color.
If you have an object selected that has a VertexMap named BakeAO, which gets generated via the Bake AO menu option, then it will rasterize this onto the currently selected layer for that object.
If you have an object selected and also one of its Vertex Maps selected, then pressing this button will rasterize the Vertex Map onto the currently selected layer.
Bleeds out every layer, on every channel, on every material. You can set the bleed amount from the UVPaint Preferences.