What's New

New Features In 1.7

Support for R19

4D Publish now includes support for R17, R18 and R19.

There are now separate builds for each version of Cinema 4D for both OSX and Windows.

Inside the 4D Publish folder delete every version except the one for your version of Cinema 4D or BodyPaint.

Sculpting Updates

Sculpt Duplicate Layer

Duplicate the currently selected sculpt layer.

Sculpt Animator Object

This object allows you to animate the layers of a Sculpt Object at a specific level.

3D PDF Improvements


Fixed the handling of the TextureTag Offset and Tile settings for UV mapping.

Export Tag Options

Export Tag now has Object and Object Children options. Disable Object to stop it from being exported. Disable Object Children to stop it from exporting this objects children.

Reflection Layer Support

Material View

General Fixes

Reflection Layers Support

Content View

You can now Drag and Drop 360 and HDR images from the Content Dialog into a texture slot. For times when you don not need to use TexCon tags.

Draw Objects

Hold down Ctrl to draw Spheres on top of the world plane.