Move Tool
- Click + Drag to move the selected objects.
- Also hold Shift to lock to vertical or horizontal movement
- Note: If there is no object directly under the mouse on the top then it will select the top object and move just that object.
- Ctrl + Alt to move the selected objects only.
- This allows you to move objects that are selected in the Object Manager but may be underneath other objects on the Canvas.
- Shift +Click to add to selection
- Ctrl + Click to subtract from selection
- Ctrl + Drag to Duplicate
- After Duplicating you can then press Ctrl+D to repeat the duplication and it will add new nodes directly after the previous one using the same spacing value.
- Also hold Shift to lock to vertical or horizontal movement
- If you are selecting something in a group
- Ctrl + Click to select something in the group
- Ctrl + Click again to deselect the object in the group
- Double click to select an item in the group.